Continued Biosecurity Competency (CBC)

What is CBC?

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry stipulates that Continued Biosecurity Competency (CBC) must be completed by all accredited and approved persons (Licensed customs brokers or self-reporting importers) who undertake documentary assessment, preparation and lodgement of Import declarations. This allows for new information and issues to be disseminated and addressed in a timely and consolidated manner. CBC content must align with changes to the schemes and their requirements.

In order to maintain your accreditation for the Non-commodity for containerised cargo clearance (NCCC) and Automatic entry processing for commodities (AEPCOMM) schemes, accredited persons must complete the CBC sessions stipulated by the department in a given CBC period by the due date. *** Failure to comply with CBC requirements will result in suspension or cancellation of your accreditation. ***


DAFF has indicated that CBC sessions scheduled for the 2024-2025 (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) will be conducted in February 2025. The release and due dates will provided later.

    Approved Arrangement          
CBC  Reference
Release date  Due date
Class 19.1 (NCCC) TBC TBC
Class 19.2 (AEPCOMM) TBC TBC


Attaining your CBC:

CBC for the 2024-25 period will consist of one or more mandatory activities (pre-recorded webinars) relevant to the NCCC & AEPCOMM approved arrangement. NCCC & AEPCOMM accredited persons must complete this training to maintain their accreditation. 

This year’s CBC activity will happen in 2 parts.

Part 1: Viewing the Webinar through LearnHub

Accredited persons will access the CBC pre-recorded webinar via Learnhub. The CBC webinar release date has not been finalised. Every accredited person should use their own individual Learnhub login to access the Webinar.

Part 2: Completing the Assessment through IFCBAA Learning Management System.

After viewing the pre-recorded Webinar in LearnHub, the accredited person needs to complete the Assessment in through IFCBAA Learning Management System and receive your certificate. There is no need to send your certificate to Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, however, retain a copy for your records.

IFCBAA will provide access to the Class 19.1 (NCCC) assessment will be provided at no cost for IFCBAA members.

For more information about the training and accreditation for broker approved arrangements (class 19.1 and class 19.2) and Continued Biosecurity Competency click Here

If you require any further information please contact the Department through AEP Support or IFCBAA Training via email or by phone on (07) 32560146.